Name | 項目名稱 Shenzhen Jianwen Foreign Language Schooll丨深圳市建文(wén)外國語學校(xiào)綜合樓 Location | 項目地(dì)點 Shenzhen,China 丨 中國深圳 Client | 項目業主 Shenzhen Jianwen Foreign Language Schooll丨深圳建文(wén)外國語學校(xiào) The Design Team 丨設計團隊 梁海(hǎi)濱 錢志孚 王泉 伍名燦 張貴波 魏樂平 |
Area | 項目面積 4500㎡ Design Time丨設計時間 2017年 Project Style 丨 項目風格 Modern and Simple Style 丨現代簡約 Keywords丨 關鍵詞 Edutainment,Interactive sharing丨寓教於樂、互動共享 |
Traditional schools have changed, is no longer have the same large building of the classroom, but to meet the needs of all kinds, construction of campus culture in campus, should be the spirit of humanity and the field into the school building and space, with appropriate architecture, the traditional culture elements join vivid emotion between teachers and students, to show the poetic artistic space full of campus spirit. Shenzhen Jianwen Foreign Language School is located in Longgang District. Since its establishment, it has gradually been widely recognized by the education system due to its advanced educational philosophy, international vision and high altitude, and it has become a leader in the education system of Shenzhen. The scope of the design is an independent complex building, a total of four floors.
傳統的(de)學校(xiào)已經發生了轉變,不再是擁有(yǒu)相(xiàng)同教室的(de)大(dà)型建築, 而是要滿足各種各樣的(de)需求,校(xiào)園建設應将文(wén)化融進校(xiào)園,使人(rén)文(wén)與場(chǎng)域精神融于學校(xiào)建築及空間,以适宜的(de)建築和(hé)傳統的(de)文(wén)化元素銜接生動的(de)師(shī)生情感,以藝術化的(de)空間展示詩意滿盈的(de)校(xiào)園精神。深圳市建文(wén)外國語學校(xiào)位于龍崗片區, 從成立至今因其教育理(lǐ)念先進、兼具國際視野及高(gāo)度,已逐步得到(dào)教育系統的(de)普遍認可(kě),目前已成爲深圳學校(xiào)教育系統中的(de)佼佼者。此次設計(jì)範圍是其一棟獨立的(de)綜合樓,共四層。
The function and orientation of the space on the first floor is a healthy, interesting, enlightening, guiding, participating and interactive complex student activity center. Therefore, we designed a stepped school, book bar, maker center and other functional Spaces. According to the needs of diversified group activities of students, the stepped school can be used to organize group activities such as recitation, martial arts, music and sharing meetings.
一層空間的(de)功能(néng)及定位是健康、有(yǒu)趣、兼具啟發性、引導、參與、互動性強的(de)複合式學生活動中心, 因此我們設計了階梯式學堂、書吧(ba)、創客中心等功能(néng)空間。根據學生多元化的(de)團體活動需求,階梯式學堂可(kě)用(yòng)於組織朗誦、武術、音(yīn)樂、分(fēn)享會等團體活動。
Classrooms, libraries and other functional rooms are designed with more rich and flexible spatial forms. Bookshelves with different rules create interesting and rich reading Spaces, making students' reading patterns more selective and flexible, and facilitating group collaboration and communication.
課室、圖書室等功能(néng)室的(de)設計以更加豐富靈活的(de)空間形態呈現, 不同規則的(de)書架創造出有(yǒu)趣豐富的(de)閱讀空間, 使得學生的(de)閱讀模式可(kě)以有(yǒu)更多的(de)選擇性與靈活性, 便於進行(xíng)小(xiǎo)組協作、溝通交流。